Monday, July 23, 2012

Painting and Prep. Part 1 (UPDATED)

UPDATE!  That putty filler for some reason did not stick to the bondo, not sure why but keep your eyes open for cracks if you try this out. some time chemicals just dont get along. We had to cut all the putty out and start over (bummer)

I decided that I would do a short list on painting and prepping a frame if you choose NOT to powder coat. If you are powder coating DO NOT do any of these steps or you will have fucked your frame up.

First up here is the frame I started with. Looks like it was pulled from a lake.

I am going to skip a few steps here because I can. And I am not going to bore you with pictures of my frame in very obvious states.  Just know that I had the frame sand blasted then hand sanded until relatively smooth then primed it with self etching primer. Then I used bondo to smooth out any ridges or rough welds. Bondo is not something you want to skimp on, get the good stuff because it will save you a bunch of time and money and later work.


As you can see Bondo can only get you so far. So to fill in smaller cracks like the one pictured above you need a putty filler that will fill in smaller cracks. Just a heads up this stuff tends to dry fast so work quick and make small batches at a time.

Dont be afraid to use your finger to smooth out and fill it smaller areas. 

And then just rattle can the rest.

Its worth the time and effort to clean up your work
especially when you are a shitty welder like my self.

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