Monday, December 19, 2011

CB Sickness

Sorry I have been slacking off with the posts lately. Internet problems at my house have made it a real pain in the ass to update. But I did run in to this sick CB 350 this weekend. Pretty nice restore...

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dreams may Come

But not soon enough. I am getting real fucking antsy to get back on the streets. So close to being done. My wallet is all thats holding me back.

My name is Blut Nord and This is my first post on this blog. I will mainly post pics but we will see. These photos are of a build day, in which we were trying to hard-tail Ben's Hondamatic. This one was a fail.

Getting shit lined up, was a big pain in the ass with out a work-stand, btw.


We found this old ass pipe bender behind Ben's dad's shop, so we put that turd to work. It was made for round stock and we needed to bend square, so it was a little tricky to say the least.
I would write more about these photos, but as I said this build failed. I do not want to waste your time with the fuck-up we almost made on this one.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

New Administration

Expect more rad shit on here I am adding some new authors.
shit gets real.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Michigan was beautiful! 

Unwinding out in the garage with my bro Tom, and his sick 85 corvette hot rod. Two words MAD MAX! 

Loud as fuck and beautiful to boot! The sound of this thing running will make you shit your pants.